I know that the CSDH led to this global meeting. As does everyone else who knows about the CSDH. Should I then care at this attempted airbrushing? Or simply remember Harry Truman?
The interesting question is why? Why would anybody want to pretend that this conference on Social Determinants of Health was really the heir to the Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion and not a direct follow on to the CSDH? The word on the street was that there were objections to the Commission’s strong emphasis on inequities in power, money and resources. Trying to convince poor people to eat vegetables is one thing, acceptable and safe; attacking the inequity in power, money and resources is altogether less safe. Hence, portray this meeting as NOT an endorsement of the CSDH recommendations.
The wonderful medical students from IFMSA had it down pat. Here is a quote from their alternative Rio declaration:
“The main problem of the Rio Declaration is that it failed to explicitly tell us how the unfair distribution of power, resources and wealth will be addressed, especially by Member States. The WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health has been adamant about the need to tackle this lingering issue, as health inequities within and between countries are rooted in power relations and resource maldistribution. We understand that changing the current dynamics of power will not happen overnight. However, we believe that this Declaration could have been the watershed moment for leaders to make a strong commitment in making this world a fairer place.”
This provides a clear explanation of why there was an attempt, ultimately unsuccessful, to remove all mention of the CSDH from the Rio declaration. Too strong for some political stomachs. This attempt also illustrates the difference between intellectual life and political. In intellectual life, to remove all reference to the source of an idea is simply unacceptable. For example, if I wrote a paper and didn’t acknowledge the source of the ideas, such behaviour would be, to put it gently, dishonourable. Apparently, when politics is at stake, normal canons of behaviour do not apply.
Just because I was researching the quote and found what seemed a fairly definitive answer regarding the source, credit for the saying should go to Father Strickland, an English Jesuit, date around 1863.